Kadar NF- Kβ Pankreas Tikus Model Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus dengan Pemberian Tepung Susu Sapi


  • Fajar Ari Nugroho
  • Rizka Mayang Saputri Ginting Jurusan Gizi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya
  • Nur Diana Laboratorium Farmakologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya





Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus dihubungkan dengan kerusakan sel pankreas yang mempengaruhi jumlah dan fungsi insulin penderitanya. NF-Kb merupakan golongan protein dalam faktor transkripsi yang diduga memiliki peran penting dalam pro-apoptosis sel pankreas. NF-Kb merupakan pemicu pro- dan anti-apotosis sel beta pankreas dengan kecenderungan pro-apoptosis lebih besar dibandingkan peran anti-apoptosisnya. Vitamin D dari susu sapi bubuk adalah vitamin dengan kemampuan menghambat aktifitas NF-Kβ, melalui proses perbaikan sensitivitas dan produksi insulin, serta peningkatan pertahanan sel pankreas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kekuatan efek pemberian susu sapi bubuk terhadap penurunan NF-Kb pankreas tikus model type 2 diabetes. Selama 90 hari penelitian, tikus dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, terdiri dari 2 kelompok kontrol (negative = non-diabetic rat dan positive = diabetic rat) dan 3 kelompok perlakuan (P1, P2 dan P3) dengan dosis pemberian tepung susu sapi adalah 0,9 g/hr, 1,8 g/hr dan 2,7 g/hr. Pada akhir penelitian kadar NF-Kb pankreas tikus diukur menggunakan metode Elisa. Hasil uji Mann Whitney U terhadap kadar NF-Kb kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan kontrol positif  menunjukkan tidak ditemukan perbedaan (p value = 1,000; 0,086; 0,248). Efek penurunan kadar NF-Kb yang diharapkan dari pemberian susu sapi bubuk pada keadaan diabetes tidak terbukti. Sehingga disimpulkan pemberian susu sapi bubuk tidak dapat digunakan untuk mencegah kerusakan sel pankreas melalui mekanisme penurunan NF-Kb.

Kata Kunci: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, NF-Kβ, vitamin D, susu sapi bubuk



Type 2 Diabetes mellitus starts with the damage of pancreas cells and the loss of insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, it will lead to continuously progressive damage of pancreatic cells and worsening loss of insulin sensitivity. NF-Kb is discovered as protein transcription marker that is assumed to have a vital role in pancreatic cell apoptosis. NF-Kb has two different functions in apoptosis process. However, despite its anti-apoptosis function that it could protect the pancreas damage, NF-Kb tends to lead pancreas’s cells death. On the other hand, vitamin D from cow’s milk powder is known as a substance that can inhibit NF-Kb activity by improving insulin sensitivity, and it can rise the protection of pancreatic cells from death. This research aims to know the effect of cow’s milk powder vitamin D to NF-Kb rate on type 2 diabetes rat models. For 90 days, the rats were divided into 5 groups of experiment, two groups of control, (negative = non diabetic non treatment rats and positive = diabetic non treatment rats) and three groups of treatment that they were administrated cow’s milk powder with different doses (0,9 g/day, 1,8 g/day and 2,7 g/day). At the end, all groups were measured to know the rate of NF-Kb by Elisa method. The final result showed that there was no difference of NF-Kb rates between positive control and treatment groups (p value = 1,000; 0,086; 0,248). The reduction NF-Kb effect expected from cow’s milk powder administration was not proven. The conclusion was that cow’s milk powder could not be used to protect pancreatic damage by the mechanism of lowering NF-Kb rates.

Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus, NF-Kβ, vitamin D, cow’s milk powder





How to Cite

Kadar NF- Kβ Pankreas Tikus Model Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus dengan Pemberian Tepung Susu Sapi. IJHN [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];2(2):91-100. Available from: https://ijhn.ub.ac.id/index.php/ijhn/article/view/123