Profil Mutu Gizi, Fisik, dan Organoleptik Mie Basah dengan Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera)


  • Yosfi Rahmi Dosen Gizi FKUB Malang
  • Yudi Arimba Wani
  • Titis Sari Kusuma
  • Syopin Cintya Yuliani
  • Gita Rafidah
  • Tyska Aulia Azizah



mutu gizi, daya putus, organoleptik, mie, tepung daun kelor


Mie adalah produk makanan yang digemari oleh masyarakat. Namun, mie memiliki kandungan protein, serat, dan kalsium yang rendah. Peningkatan nilai gizi pada mie dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan tepung daun kelor (TDK). Namun, tepung ini rasanya pahit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui profil mutu gizi (protein, lemak, air, abu, karbohidrat, serat kasar, kalsium), fisik (daya putus), dan organoleptik (tingkat kesukaan panelis) dari mie basah dengan TDK. Pada penelitian ini perlakuan adalah perbandingan antara tepung terigu (TT) dan TDK, yaitu 100:0 (kontrol), 95:5, 90:10, dan 85:15. Setiap perlakuan diulang 5 kali. Protein, lemak, air, abu, dan karbohidrat dianalisis proksimat, serat kasar dengan metode analisis asam basa, dan kalsium dengan metode Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometer (AAS). Daya putus mie diukur dengan menggunakan Tensile Strength Instrument. Mutu organoleptik dinilai oleh 20 orang panelis agak terlatih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan TDK secara signifikan memberikan perbedaan pada semua aspek mutu yang diukur (p<0,05), kecuali kandungan air (p>0,05). Kandungan kalsium pada mie basah kelor meningkat minimal 3,5 x kontrol. Daya putus dan tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap mie menurun drastis sejak peningkatan konsentrasi dari TDK sebanyak 10%. Mie yang paling disukai panelis adalah mie basah dengan TT:TDK=95:5%. Kesimpulan, TDK hanya dapat disubstitusikan pada mie basah maksimal 5%.

Kata kunci: mutu gizi, daya putus, organoleptik, mie, tepung daun kelor


Noodles are food product favored by the public. However, noodles have a low content of protein, fiber, and calcium. Increasing the nutritional value in noodles can be done using Moringa leaf flour. However, this flour tastes bitter. This study aimed to determine the profile of food quality including nutrition (protein, lipid, moisture, ash, carbohydrate, crude fiber, calcium), physical quality (breaking strength) and organoleptic property (panelist preferences) from wet noodles with Moringa leaf flour. In this research, the treatment was the ratio between wheat flour and Moringa leaf flour, namely 100:0 (control), 95:5, 90:10, and 85:15. Each treatment was repeated five times. Protein, lipid, and carbohydrate were analyzed using proximate analysis, crude fiber was using the acid-base analysis method, and calcium was using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) method. The breaking strength of noodles was measured using Tensile Strength Instrument. Twenty rather-trained panelists assessed the organoleptic quality. The results showed that the use of Moringa leaf flour significantly provided differences in all measured aspects of quality (p<0.05), except for water content (p>0.05). Calcium content in moringa wet noodles increased by at least 3.5 times if compared to control. The breaking strength and the level of preference of panelists to the noodles dropped dramatically since the concentration of Moringa leaf flour increased by 10%. The noodles most liked by panelists are wet noodles with wheat flour : Moringa leaf flour ratio of 95:5. Moringa leaf flour can only be substituted on wet noodles for a maximum of 5%.

Keywords: nutritional quality, breaking force, organoleptic, noodles, Moringa leaf flour



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How to Cite

Rahmi Y, Wani YA, Kusuma TS, Yuliani SC, Rafidah G, Azizah TA. Profil Mutu Gizi, Fisik, dan Organoleptik Mie Basah dengan Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera). IJHN [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Apr. 25];6(1):10-21. Available from:




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